miércoles, 11 de abril de 2007

Marlene Wayar said (English version)

We are in crisis, knowing perfectly that, not only for fully negative causes, as the death of comrades, there are other causes; structural reverses of the various organizations and mistakes in the ideological and politic communication.

But we reached a historical impasse, with deep regret, we have various level of development and various target of fight, and this gives shorter periods of communication and combined action.

The distances are enormous, and become insuperable when there is no economic autonomy, and unthinkable when there is not an instantaneous benefit which will justifie it in a poor economy.

We have some classical illiteracy in some cases and other cases as the lack of knowledge of internet and the techniques it involves as a tool, we are in other times, giving dates to history is still something we cannot do if we don't get others to do it, whether for liberal journalism or for networks as Indymedia Argentina which read us ; "the comrades of a struggle" and not an other part.

We are claustrophobic, and we don't make ourselves informed of "our news", but those of a pop star arrived in Argentina, because we ask about what the big medias give us, so that we consume, although one didn't think to us, although they won't recognize us as consumers, we must accept the rule, to pay. And this was always more expensive for us than for others.

Us who have the best networks, have the smallest infrastructure, and us who have the best infrastructures available have imposed agendas. For this, we have the largest access to our protestation for someone who is at the most remote part of the world, only a signature and send are needed and we can be free of opinion and show interest.

The telephone is the best way, expensive, discotheque and work place are cheap and with a great impact, but are not places where we allow oneself a time of reflexion, they are places dedicated to a target, generate richness on the one hand and have a good time on the other hand.

The information received is treated but dilute itself, when a murdered dead woman is compared with the ten dead woman of the neighborhood, of cause derived from imposed social condemnation, of abandonment, induce an analysis plan in which the fates are assimilated paradigms, the death, future reality in every living being, in us it is a steady threat, that whom among us is over 35 feel herself a survivor to an unquestionable fate, and this certainly get us used to not react on a daily basis with the indignation we feel.

This is the most dramatic, we get to these extremes when we have the dominion over the other who impose us the whole, until his own vision of us.

What a sorrow to admit that the fear, if it has a lot of influence, won't be the most significant, it would be fine to be able to say we are silenced by the concrete violence, in fact the symbolic violence, very aggressive and enslaving themselves, are those which silenced us, that the silence seems voluntary. When it is in fact an adjusted surgical treatment with which one "brought up" us since infancy.

We are not forgotten, we have no strength to raise the voice, for various reasons.

Marlene Wayar

Co-funder of the Trans' Network of Latin America and Caribbean "Silvia Rivera"
Translated into english by Marlène Riwkeh Mèges and Karine Solène Espineira (Sans Contrefaçon, Marseilles).

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